Sohel Talukder, from Tangail Police recovered the body of an elderly woman named Sultana...
The Chittagong Hill Tracts
Sanjoy Kumar Barua
Editor and Publisher
Sanjoy Kumar Barua Antor Tanchangya and his family made a living the only way...
Sanjoy Kumar Barua Khadijatul Kubra, a brilliant student of Jagannath University, has been in...
CHT DESK: One hundred eighty-three global leaders, including 104 Nobel laureates in an open...
CHT DESK: Amnesty International urged Bangladesh government to release immediately and unconditionally Khadijatul Kubra,...
CHT DESK: Bangladesh Police arrested a 60-year-old woman under the Special Powers Act allegedly...
CHT DESK: Two indigenous girls, abducted from remote Reju Headman Para of Bandarban’s Naikkhongchhari...
Sanjoy Kumar Barua He chose to live in seclusion in a remote temple to...
CHT DESK Unidentified miscreants attacked a Buddhist monk inside a temple in remote area...