October 8, 2024

Who never sees a doctor

CHT Desk

She never saw doctor and even hospital in her life and she does not know what family planning is.

She is from remote Remakri union under Thanchi upazilla of Bandarban.

Hashtoti Tripura in her 26 age already delivered four children and now waiting for another one as she is five months expecting.

“I want no more children but I don’t know from where I will receive suggestions” Hashtoti said.

“I never saw doctor and even hospital in my life Hashtoti said.

Rosha Jon Tripura, husband of Hashtoti is a jhum farmer said “I don’t know how I will manage food for my family of eight members”.

Haliram para is a remote area under Thanchi upazilla where Hashtoti’s family live along with fifteen other families.

There are three other pregnant mother in Haliram para who also don’t know what family planning is.

Most of the indigenous women and their children in remote hills are facing deficiency of nutrition.

“Nobody come to see us while local representative come only election hours”, said Raje Ram Tripura of the area.

Mui Shwe Thoai Marma, chairman of Remakri Union Parishad who lives in Bandarban town said “Doctors deny going to the remote area of Thanchi”.

“There is only one community clinic for around 14,000 indigenous people in remote Remakri union while most of the time this community clinic remains closed”, he said earlier.

Dr. Aung Tha Loo, Deputy Director of Bandarban family planning said “It is really tough to communicate with remote pregnant women while we already proposed for ‘Safe Delivery Home programme’ in remote hills to the government”.

Dr. Aung Swi Prue Marma, former civil surgeon of Bandarban said “ It is really a matter of sorrow that remote area people  of Bandarban are still deprived of health care as we have to work under lots of limitations.”

Earlier, Bir Bahadur U Shwe Sing, Minister of Chittagong Hill Tracts Affairs Ministry said “We are working to establish more health centres in remote hills but it takes time”

The report was published in The Daily Star